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Infants : 01536 760486
Juniors : 01536 760361

Havelock Street, Desborough
Northamptonshire, NN14 2LU

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Hardcopy Versions

Hardcopy versions of files from this website are available upon request at the school office.

Contact Details

The name, postal address and telephone number of the school, and the name of a person to whom enquiries should be addressed is:

Mrs Rachel Kiziak, Havelock Schools, Havelock Street, Desborough, Northamptonshire, NN14 2LU. 01536 760361/760486.

Email contact should be made via and office staff will direct your enquiry to the relevant member of staff.

Admission Arrangements

If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details within our published admissions policies.  In-year applications for 2025-26 are covered by the applicable admissions policy and are handled via application to Northamptonshire County Council Admissions using the weblink below.  Applications for 2025-26 are covered by the applicable admissions policy and must be completed by the 15th January each year; these applications are to be made to Northamptonshire County Council Admissions using the weblink below

Primary school places | North Northamptonshire Council

Havelock Infant School

Oversubscription Criteria

In the event of oversubscription for places, the following criteria will be applied:

The published admission number (PAN) for Reception is 90

Places will be allocated to pupils who have a statement of SEN or an EHC Plan that names the school as the appropriate provision. When there are more applications for places than there are places available, priority will be given in the following order:

  1. Looked After Children and all previously Looked After Children (see paragraph 6.1 for definition of ‘Looked After Children’).
  2. Children with a sibling link (see paragraph 6.3 for definition of ‘sibling’) continuing at the school or the linked Junior School at the time of the admission of the younger child.
  3. Children who live closer to the preferred school than any other school
  4. Other children.

Distance Tiebreaker

If the admission number is exceeded within criterion 3, priority will be given to those who live furthest from the nearest alternative school.

If the admission number is exceeded within any other criterion, priority will be given to those who live closest to the school.

Measurements are carried out on a straight line basis from the child’s home address to the address point of the school.

In the case where multiple applications for the same shared dwelling occurs (eg. Flats), a randomiser will be used to decide the priority in which the pupils within the shared dwelling are selected in the event of a tie. The random allocation process will be subject to independent verification.

Havelock Junior School

Oversubscription Criteria

In the event of oversubscription for places, the following criteria will be applied:

The published total admission number for the school is 360. For each Year 3 intake from September the admission number is 90.

Places will be allocated to pupils who have a statement of SEN or an EHC Plan that names the school as the appropriate provision. When there are more applications for places than there are places available, priority will be given in the following order:

  1. Looked After Children and all previously Looked After Children (see paragraph 6.1 for definition of ‘Looked After Children’).
  2. Children with a sibling link (see paragraph 6.3 for definition of ‘sibling’) continuing at the school at the time of the admission of the younger child.
  3. Children who attended Havelock Infant School.
  4. Children who live closer to the preferred school than any other school.
  5. Other children.

Distance Tiebreaker

If the admission number is exceeded within criterion 4, priority will be given to those who live furthest from the nearest alternative school.

If the admission number is exceeded within any other criterion, priority will be given to those who live closest to the school.

Measurements are carried out on a straight line basis from the child’s home address to the address point of the school.

In the case where multiple applications for the same shared dwelling occurs (eg. Flats), a randomiser will be used to decide the priority in which the pupils within the shared dwelling are selected in the event of a tie. The random allocation process will be subject to independent verification.

Appeals Process

If you have applied and been refused a place at our school (in any year group), you are entitled to appeal against that decision.

Appeals for Havelock Infant School and Havelock Junior School are administered by Northamptonshire County Council Admissions Team. For more information on the process please see:


Information as to where and by what means parents may access the most recent report about the school published by her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Education, Children's Services and Skills can be found here for the Infant School and here for the Junior School.  Please follow this link to access Ofsted Parent View 

Key Stage 2 Results & School Performance Tables

School Curriculum

Information about the school curriculum is available on our "Curriculum" page.

Pupil Behaviour

Our Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policy will advise you on how we manage discipline and behaviour at our School.

You are able to view our Behaviour Policy here and our Anti Bullying Policy here

Pupil Premium and Sports Premium

The Pupil Premium is an allocation of additional funding provided to schools to support specific groups of children who are vulnerable to underachievement. The three identified groups are: pupils who are entitled to free school meals, pupils who have a parent working for the armed services and those children in local authority care. 

The funding received by Havelock Schools has been used in a variety of ways in order to improve attainment and progress and to help overcome barriers to learning.

We know that children learn best when they are happy, secure, confident, valued and fully included in school life. Our use of Pupil Premium funding aims to address any barriers individual children may face in their learning. We believe that raising standards is best achieved by ensuring that children have reasonable access to all that a school has to offer. 

Detailed statements of the school's Pupil Premium information can be found on a page dedicated to this topic, click here.

Detailed statements of the school's Sports Premium information can be found on a page dedicated to this topic, click here.

Special Educational Needs

The report prepared by the school under section 317(5)(a) of EA 1996 (duties of governing bodies in relation to special educational needs(6)) can be found in our SEN Policy, downloadable from the sidebar.

Mrs Mia Grainger is our SENDco. All enquiries about Special Educational Needs can be sent to  


Charging Policy

The school's charging and remissions policy can be found by using the link in our sidebar for all of our Statutory Policies.


School Prospectus

NCC Admissions


Statutory Documents - Academy

Key Stage 2 Data





Special Educational Needs