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Havelock Schools Curriculum

Havelock School Curriculum Drivers


Making Progress


As a result of being taught the Havelock School curriculum the children will :

  • Be prepared for the next stage of their education
  • Be self-confident
  • Be resilient
  • Be independent and self-reliant
  • Be critical thinkers
  • Be leaders
  • Have a global perspective
  • Have a sense of pride and belonging in their community

The curriculum is designed so that key knowledge is taught within each subject.

Knowledge is prioritised so that children can gain a deep understanding of the aspects and concepts.

Learning is be integrated across subjects to better establish links and common vocabulary to support and develop schemata.

Curriculum is set out a coherent sequence and structure that can successfully be implemented showing progression in skills, knowledge, vocabulary and concepts.

Assessment is meaningful and driven by the curriculum to ensure that the necessary concepts are developed and committed to long-term memory.

End of unit outcomes demonstrate the learning that has taken place.


Children explore the curriculum in many fun and exciting ways

The Curriculum seeks to develop the whole child through PHSE, British Values, SMSC, SRE and global citizenship

Children have access to many enrichment opportunities within school such as Forest School, trips, community links and special visitors

Language and vocabulary


Support for all 

Deepening concepts 

Teaching is designed to develop and deepen vocabulary

New vocabulary is clearly displayed and embedded across all subjects

Philosophy for Children P4C teaches children critical thinking and the ability to articulate their thoughts and is a tool used across the subjects taught.

Reading is prioritised in the curriculum for all pupils, including developing a love of reading.

In many lessons, children are expected to read about the subject matter

Class reading texts will be used to develop vocabulary and reading for understanding

Our writing approach is based around a model text that is deeply explored and used as a basis for their own independent writing.

Children receive quality first teaching where their needs are met through small step instruction.

The Curriculum is fully inclusive enabling progress for all pupils including SEND, PP, EAL and LAC.

Effective modelling and worked examples reduces the chance of misconceptions.

Scaffolding provides children with the structure and support to achieve well and build confidence.

Key aspects and concepts in relevant subjects are identified. The understanding of these is deepened every time they are revisited

Teachers make explicit links to link prior learning and to build on existing understanding.

Our Curriculum Design

Our curriculum based around Cornerstone’s Curriculum 22 is a broad and balanced, knowledge-rich primary curriculum. Its content is delivered through a range of subject-specific projects, which are planned over a term. Our curriculum is supported by Cornerstones which is led by Big Ideas that cover all aspects of learning.

We believe that children deserve a balanced curriculum that enables them to develop a deep understanding of all subjects and the interconnections between them. The rationale for the Cornerstones Curriculum takes the form of 10 big ideas that provide a purpose for the aspects, skills, knowledge and contexts chosen to form the substance of the curriculum. These big ideas form a series of multi-dimensional interconnected threads across the curriculum, allowing children to encounter and revisit their learning through a variety of subject lenses. Over time, these encounters help children to build conceptual frameworks that will enable a better understanding of increasingly sophisticated information and ideas.

Subject-specific projects cover Art and Design, Design and Technology, Geography, History and Science.

Maths is based around the Effective Maths scheme

Computing is based around the Purple Mash curriculum

Music is based around the Kapow curriculum

PSHCE is based around the Jigsaw curriculum.

PE is based around the Real PE and Cambridge PE schemes

RE is based around the Discovery scheme

French is based around the Language Angels scheme


Progress for all

Havelock Schools promote the individuality of all our children, irrespective of ethnicity, attainment, age, disability, gender or background. High quality teaching in the classroom ensures that all children make progress. Strategies including modelling, use of worked examples and careful scaffolding ensure that pupils are supported where needed.  Meaningful assessment opportunities are planned to identify both gaps in learning and opportunities for challenge and extended learning.



The school has prepared and will implement the following accessibility plan to increase the extent to which disabled students can participate in the curriculum, improve the physical environment of the school to increase the extent to which disabled students are able to take advantage of education and benefits, facilities or services provided or offered by the school, and improve the delivery to disabled students of information readily accessible to students who are not disabled, within a reasonable time and in ways which are determined after taking into account the students’ disabilities and any preferences expressed by them or their parents.

Below is an extract from our Accessibility Plan for 2024 which has been reviewd by our Local Adcademy Board. The full plan is available as a download from our Policies page

 Objective Action
Ensure that learning is appropriately scaffolded to enable access for all pupils Training to ensure all children’s needs catered for in class through training with outside agencies
Continue to implement behaviour guidelines to ensure that all children are enabled to follow expected codes of behaviour Staff training to ensure consistency of implementation of policy across all staff groups
To continue to reinforce the Havelock 3Rs approach for learning behaviours to support independence and help children in become responsible, reflective and resilient learner

Build in recap assemblies and reflection times to re-emphasise the 3Rs across school. Ensure 3Rs are the language used consistently across the school.

To make reasonable adjustments to learning and the learning environment to maximise inclusion including adjustments for children at risk of EBSN Reasonable adjustments policy will be in place and staff will ensure changes are made
Ensure access to first aid training for vulnerable groups eg diabetes, epipen to allow full inclusion Training from school nurses offered in a timely fashion and at suitable times to allow staff to access
Access to Information
To ensure all parents are supported to access information according to need Support families who can’t read to access information using by school office staff




Tier 2: Subjects (aspects and concepts)

In Curriculum 22, the terms ‘aspects’ and ‘concepts’ are used. An aspect is a particular part or feature of a subject, and a concept is an abstract idea within a subject.

In the curriculum structure, each Big Idea is directly connected to the curriculum subjects, which have the relevant aspects or concepts through which the Big Idea can be delivered. For example, in geography, the Big Idea of Humankind is connected to and delivered through the geographical aspects of Settlements and land use and Human features and landmarks. In history, the Big Idea of Humankind is connected to and delivered through the historical aspects and concepts of Everyday life, Hierarchy and power, and Civilisations.


The diagram below shows how the Big Idea of Humankind is linked to each subject via its aspects and concepts.



The most important underlying principle of a curriculum is to help children learn. We believe that a successful curriculum is brought to life by high quality teaching, inspirational learning activities and opportunities to listen and plan for the developing interests and motivations of children.

That is why the Cornerstones Primary Curriculum is built upon a four-stage teaching and learning philosophy…


The Four Cornerstones of Learning link explicitly to pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development.

 The focus for teaching and planning in each Cornerstone is as follows.


  1. hooks learners in with a memorable experience
  2.  set the scene and provide the context
  3.  ask questions to provoke thought and interest
  4. use interesting starting points to spark children’s curiosity


  1. teach knowledge to provide depth of understanding
  2. demonstrate new skills and allow time for consolidation
  1. provide creative opportunities for making and doing
  1. deliver reading, writing and talk across the curriculum


  1.  provide imaginative scenarios for creative thinking
  2. enable and assess the application of previously learned skills
  1. encourage enterprise and independent thinking
  1. work in groups and independently to solve problems


  1.  encourage reflective talk by asking questions
  1. provide opportunities for shared evaluation
  1.  celebrate success
  2. identify next steps for learning

Memorable Experience

Each Knowledge Rich Project (KRP) begins with a memorable experience that stimulates

children’s curiosity and prepares them for a new theme. A memorable experience can involve an educational visit out of school or a visitor coming into school to share their expertise with the children.

Curriculum design for KS1 and KS2

Our curriculum design gives each year group the opportunity to cover a broad range of themes and subjects. Projects last a full term to provide the children with the depth of knowledge needed for the knowledge to remain in the long-term memory. In some cases, projects may be taught for a shorter period, for example during a science or art week.

For further information about the Havelock curriculum beyond that contained on our website please contact Mr Kier Dicken via

Curriculum & Support