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Infants : 01536 760486
Juniors : 01536 760361

Havelock Street, Desborough
Northamptonshire, NN14 2LU

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At Havelock Infant and Junior Schools, our children’s well-being is of the highest importance to us and we promote positive well-being in everything we do. Our ambition is to create confident, resilient and empathetic learners who know how to look after their physical and mental well-being. We have a well embedded PSHE curriculum which is taught weekly following the Jigsaw scheme which covers the following themes: Being me, Celebrating difference, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships and Change. We aim to equip our children with the knowledge and skills to look after their own well-being and support others. Our PSHE curriculum encompasses our Wellbeing ethos of encouraging independence, resilience and empathy towards others, as well as how to contribute positively towards society. At Havelock Schools, we promote a healthy lifestyle through healthy eating, cooking as part of Design and Technology and links within our community.

In addition to our PSHE Curriculum, we provide well-being interventions and individual programmes based on the needs of our pupils. We track individual well-being termly as well as the wellbeing leads meeting on a regular basis to discuss next steps for children who may be struggling with their wellbeing. If a parent raises any concerns about their child’s wellbeing, their class teacher is the first port of call followed by a member of the wellbeing team.

Our wellbeing team consists of:

Mrs Foulser – Wellbeing Lead

Mrs Grainger – SENDCO

Mrs McNamara – Family Support Worker

Mrs Taylor – SENDCo Assistant

We work with many agencies to access support for children and families with their well-being which include:

Northamptonshire MHST



Happy Head Counselling


Curriculum & Support