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Northamptonshire, NN14 2LU

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Our SEN Offer, Aims and Teams

What does Havelock Schools offer children with special educational needs or disabilities?

Our SEN Aims

At Havelock Schools, we want to make sure that every child gets the best support we can offer in order to help them to enjoy their learning, feel confident and happy amongst their friends and make the best possible progress.

Every child has individual needs that will affect their learning. Sometimes, children need special support to give them an extra boost or to help them catch up with other children of the same age. They may need this support for a short time or a longer period, but during this time they will be part of our Special Educational Needs (SEN) Register and we will keep a close eye on their progress, look carefully at what special support they need and keep in close touch with their parents.

Key staff for SEND

Mrs Mia Grainger Assistant Headtecher/SENDco -  all enquiries can be sent to  

The Local Offer

The purpose of the Local Offer is to enable parents and young people to find out more easily the services that are available in their area and how to access them.  The Local Offer will include provision from birth to 25, across education, health, social care and the voluntary sector.

To access the local offer website click here.

IASS (The Information, Advice and Support Service)

Alternatively, you can email  

Telephone: 03003732532

(Monday to Friday from
9.30am to 4.30pm)

SEN Information Files

SEN Menu of Support

Special Educational Needs