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Havelock Street, Desborough
Northamptonshire, NN14 2LU

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Our vision at Havelock Schools is to instil a lifelong love of Science within our pupils.  We want our children to be curious, inquisitive and enthusiastic learners.   We aim to enable them to suggest and use different lines of enquiry in order to answer their own questions. We offer a broad and progressive Science curriculum that covers all areas of the national curriculum.   We make cross curricular links through our Cornerstones topics and the implementation of additional Science units.  We want to equip our learners to understand the importance of Science from the past, which has given us the society we have today, and use of Science both currently and in the future.   


We collect evidence of Science in many ways at Havelock Schools.  Our books show recording and photographs of Science investigations and alongside this we also conduct practical assessments at the end of every unit to ensure that we are meeting the working scientifically goals as well as assessing the pupils understanding of the current Science topic.  We are a well-equipped school with each year group having their own practical resources to complete each unit. The Science coordinator regularly checks the resources with the staff.  We cover a Science topic in every half term and these are often linked to our Cornerstones topic. 


The teaching of Science is practical, playful and inclusive with support and challenge from adults in class sessions, small groups and working with individuals. There is a combination of adult-led, teacher taught sessions as well as a wealth of stimulating continuous provision opportunities when adults scaffold learning through skilful interactions and questioning. Throughout all of these areas of learning and at the heart of our EYFS are the “Characteristics of Effective Learning”.    Our foundation stage team make links to the Year 1 and 2 Science curriculum as we believe that Science should be introduced to children at an early age.  Examples of the foundation stage’s wide variety of learning include: Forest School sessions, role play linked to various settings, small world play (bugs and materials), cooking opportunities and a selection of observational experiments . 

Teaching Style 

 Teachers use assessment for learning to tailor their lessons and to cater for the abilities of their current class.  We also introduce Scientific vocabulary for every topic and spend time explaining the meaning of these words so children can use them in their own work. Science is monitored regularly and feedback and next steps are given to teachers.  Working Scientifically is at the core of our teaching of Science. Children are provided with opportunities to develop their questioning, predicting/hypothesising, recording and explanation skills. 

Our outdoor environment plays a key role in our science teaching and is used for many of our topics including habitats, classification and forces. Additional opportunities are provided to develop scientific skills and knowledge, such as science weeks and educational visits linked to the science curriculum. 

 Cross Curricular 

Our Science curriculum is heavily cross curricular.  If possible, we try to link it to the term’s topic and we frequently use our data handling skills to help us to record and analyse results.    Other subject links include:  Literacy, Music, History, DT, PE, PSHE, Geography and Outdoor learning. 


By the end of the curriculum most pupils will have a coherent knowledge and understanding of the three science disciplines: biology, chemistry and physics. This knowledge, alongside scientific skills, will able them to ask perceptive questions, think critically and gather evidence, drawing relevant conclusions. This will be assessed through practical assessments (half term) alongside written outcomes.  Evidence of this learning will be recorded within the pupil’s books.