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Infants : 01536 760486
Juniors : 01536 760361

Havelock Street, Desborough
Northamptonshire, NN14 2LU

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Contact the School
Havelock Street
NN14 2LU
Tel: 01536 760486

Email: marked FAO staff name in the subject header if you know who your enquiry is directed to.

Executive Headreacher/Lead DSL: Mrs Rachel Kiziak

Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Jenny Carter

Deputy Headteacher/SENDco/Deputy DSL: Mrs Mia Grainger

Assistant Headteacher/Deputy DSL: Mr Kier Dicken

Assitant Headteacher/Deputy DSL: Mrs Natasha Foulser

Chair of Governors: Mrs Alison McGowan

School BUsiness Manager: Mrs Sharon Bindley

Family Support WorkerDeputy DSL: Mrs Amy McNamara

Administrator: Mrs Alison Wilson

Adminsitrator: Miss Nicola Sherwood

Admin Assistant: Mrs Lorraine Thurman

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