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Infants : 01536 760486
Juniors : 01536 760361

Havelock Street, Desborough
Northamptonshire, NN14 2LU

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Parents are requested to dress their children in sensible and suitable clothing. Whilst the wearing of a school uniform is not compulsory, The Havelock Schools have received overwhelming support from parents for adopting a policy of encouraging children to wear the following items of clothing:


Burgundy sweatshirt/ jumper/cardigan, white/burgundy polo shirt

Grey/black skirt/trousers

Sports Kit: Burgundy/black shorts, white tee-shirt, trainers, black/dark coloured leggings/joggers in winter

Sensible shoes in black, grey or brown


Uniform is available to purchase through but can also be purchased from other shops without the school logo. Second hand uniform is also available – please enquire at the school offices.


For reasons of health and safety, and in line with our schools’ policy, we ask your children not to wear jewellery to school. Watches may be worn as the children move into the Junior School.  If it is necessary to wear earrings, only studs should be worn at school in order to reduce the likelihood of accidents. If you are getting your child’s ears pierced, please aim to do this at the beginning of the summer holidays. No jewellery is to be worn for any activities involving physical education. Jewellery must be removed for P.E lessons and we ask that you do this before your child comes to school. This is for your child’s safety and we thank you for your support with this matter.


Please note: ALL items of clothing must be clearly marked with the child's name.

Home School Agreements

Useful Forms

Prospectus Information

Uniform Ordering

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pdf Karl Sports March 2024 Download