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Northamptonshire, NN14 2LU

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Havelock Helping Hands (HHH)

Welcome to the PTA!

Our committee is a friendly group of parents and staff who meet regularly throughout the year to discuss and arrange fundraising events. The funds raised by The Raisers and HIPA are for the extra’s which are not provided by the school budget. We aim to raise as much money as possible each year so we can keep providing the school with these ‘special’ items that make the children’s learning experiences so much more fulfilling and exciting.

Our members are:


Angie Mason


Anna Paladino-Clark


Tash Grundy

Vice Chair

Lisa Clifton


Like most PTAs the majority of funds are raised through the events. Some of the most popular events are the Christmas Fayre Evening, Discos (2 per year), The Summer Fete and our annual Sponsored events. We are always looking to plan new events so fresh ideas are always welcomed.

There are lots of ways you can help and support your child through the Parents Association.

Offering to help with events during the year is incredibly valuable – it really is a case of ‘many hands make light work.’ It doesn’t matter if you can’t help on a regular basis, or even if you can’t come into school.

You can of course volunteer to be a committee member and put your views and ideas forward. This is also a great way to meet new people and have a sociable evening with a ‘cup of tea and a biscuit’. We meet once a term for an hour or so.

We really couldn’t achieve what we do without the support of parents so if you are interested in joining the PTA please speak to the school office or member of the leadership team and they will be happy to introduce you to some of the parents who run the PTA.

Havelock Schools have launched a lottery, all our profit goes to our school and there is a guaranteed prize to someone on the supported list and a further chance of winning £25,000 in a separate draw every week. Start supporting now for only £1 per week!


Parent Feedback Forum

Our Parent Feedback Forum is held five times a year. It is a chance for parents to meet with members of the Senior Leadership Team to share parental views on our schools. Dates are shared in the school newsletter and all parents are welcome to pop in for a drink and chat.  


Your Voice

We would love to hear what you think about what we do well as a school and how we can make things even better for your child. Here are a few ways to let us know what you think.

  • We send out various questionnaires and surveys during the year. Your feedback is invaluable to us and we do aim to implement as many changes as we can from the things you tell us. On receiving a questionnaire please take some time to fill it out and return it to the office as soon as you can.
  • You can also have your say on the Ofsted website with Parent View. On here you can give your views directly to Ofsted about what we do well and development points you think we need to make.

Thank you so much for your feedback and ideas we really do appreciate it.


Volunteering at School

Helping in school can be in a variety of forms and is greatly appreciated. We are looking for trip support and classroom support. Supporting in school may involve hearing readers, sticking work in their books, preparing resources and supporting groups of children with their learning. Please ensure that you have the time to commit on a regular basis as the teachers value your support and will plan activities accordingly. If your circumstances change for whatever reason please let us know ASAP via the school office.

This ‘offer’ is open to anyone who would like to help us and age is no barrier. As a school we do not place a volunteer in their own child’s class to help unless it is a school visit. On a school visit you will be working with a group of children which does not include your child.

As part of our safeguarding children responsibilities we do require all volunteers who will be working with children to complete a Disclosure and Barring Service form (DBS) and attend a very short info meeting, before starting with us. As soon as we have your reply we will issue a Volunteer application form and instructions to complete the DBS online.

Unfortunately you will not be able to start until you get your clearance through.

Please contact the school office indicating when you would be available to help and on what basis you can do so. We will then contact you to let you know where you will be helping and give you an information sheet to let you know key details you need before starting.

We look forward to welcoming you into our school to work with us and appreciate any time you can spare. If you have any questions in the meantime please don’t hesitate to contact the school.