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Northamptonshire, NN14 2LU

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At Havelock, our well-planned PSHE curriculum is designed to equip all of our pupils for the real world and to meet all of our pupils’ needs. We want our children to have high aspirations; a strong belief in themselves and to realise that anything is possible if they put their mind to it:

What do we want for our pupils?

  • To develop a confidence in sharing their own thoughts and opinions with others
  • To show tolerance of others’ beliefs and life choices
  • To develop skills and attributes to keep themselves healthy and safe
  • To develop an attitude of a responsible citizen
  • To build positive, respectful relationships with other people


Our PSHE curriculum builds on prior learning by following the progressive frameworks outlined in the Jigsaw PSHE scheme of work. The scheme of work covers the following strands:

  • Being Me in My World
  • Celebrating Difference
  • Dreams and Goals
  • Healthy Me
  • Relationships
  • Changing Me

This scheme of work has been amended and adapted to ensure that it meets the needs of all of our pupils at Havelock. It has been timetabled carefully, so that it links to events such as Anti-Bullying week, World Mental Health day and Internet Safety Week. Time has been taken to ensure that all areas of the curriculum are being covered across both key stages and that they are being taught at an age-appropriate level.

Although regular time-tabled sessions will be a necessity, PSHE must also be taught incidentally and teachers must be flexible and respond to pupils’ needs and current world affairs.  Our School values and Celebration Assemblies which promote our values will also support the teaching of PSHE across the school.

It is also important that PSHE is taught in other areas of the curriculum, not just as a discrete lesson. At Havelock Schools we aim to promote and reflect British Values in all that we do. We pride ourselves on a whole school approach to promoting the spiritual, moral, cultural and social development of our pupils.

Links with SMSC and Fundamental British Values

Our Cornerstones Curriculum puts SMSC and Fundamental British Values at the heart of everything our pupils do. Many of our Imaginative Learning Projects promote aspects of SMSC and FBV. For example, in Year 1 children learn about how to listen others and work cooperatively in the ‘School Days’ project. Whilst in Year 6 pupils learn about discrimination and how to challenge in ‘Maafa’ project.


The impact of our curriculum will not only be seen in pupils’ work but by looking at the type of people our pupils become. Our pupils will become confident, tolerant, independent and well-rounded individuals who are prepared for life and for their next steps. We want our children to be able to approach a range of real -life situations with confidence and to apply their skills when navigating themselves through modern life.

The impact of PSHE lessons will be measured by:

  • Looking at evidence of pupils’ work
  • Pupil voice
  • Self-assessment
  • Looking at achievements of pupils both in and outside of school
  • Celebration assemblies – how has the children’s behaviour/learning behaviour improved? What have they achieved this year that they have struggled with before?

·         How children apply their PSHE skills in other subjects and situations they are faced with.