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Welcome from the Chair of Governors, Mrs Alison McGowan

All enquiries can be sent to our Clerk to the Governors

Welcome to the Governors’ page of our Havelock Schools website.

We are a Federated Governing Body which means that we have responsibility for both Havelock Infant and Havelock Junior Schools. We first federated in September 2015.  The members of our Governing Body are listed in this section of the website.

Our primary purpose is to ensure the quality of education provision and to act as the accountable body for two schools. We are also part of the Pathfinder Schools group and work closely with the Trust Board in carrying out our work. Trust governance details can be found here

Information on the Pathfinder Schools Trust Governance arrangements can be seen on here:

Details of the Pathfinder Schools Trust Governance Structure can be found here;

Details of the Pathfinder Schools Articles of Association and Financial Reports’ can be found here:

We have a number of key roles in the running of the school. These are to:

  • set the strategic direction, vision and ethos of the school;
  • monitor and challenge the progress of the school in achieving its priorities;
  • recruit and performance manage the headteacher;
  • exercise employer responsibility;
  • ensure that the schools meet their statutory responsibilities;
  • ensure financial probity;
  • ensure the premises are well managed;
  • report to the school’s stakeholders.

Interested in becoming a Governor?

We are always looking to build our skills across the governing body.  If you have an interest in improving education and want to make a difference to the children within your community please register your interest by emailing the Clerk to Governors Mrs Seago . 

All Governors receive induction training and support and have access to a full range of training programmes and modules from in-house training, NNC training and the NGA. 

Thank you

The Local Academy Board has representatives from the Community, Staff and Parents.  Parent Governors are elected by the parents and serve a four year term.  Governors meet 6 times a year to discuss school issues.  All meetings are minuted and the minutes are available for inspection.

Governing Body Information