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We strive to make our website accessible to as many users as possible, regardless of their abilities. If you need assistance in adjusting your device for better usability, AbilityNet offers guidance on making digital content more accessible.
We aim to ensure that our website is easy to navigate and understand. We have simplified the language used across the site and are continually working to improve how we present information.
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We are committed to meeting the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018. We recognise that our website is partially compliant with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2 due to the following non-compliances:
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While schools are partially exempt from certain public sector accessibility requirements, we are committed to ensuring that essential content, remains accessible. We will continue making improvements where possible to enhance usability for all users.
We value inclusivity and are dedicated to providing a website that meets the needs of our entire community. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve.
Statement Last Reviewed: 31/01/2025
Information about School Closures
Havelock Infant and Junior will remain open in all but the most exceptional circumstances. Examples of school closure may be localised flooding, heating failure or adverse weather conditions such as snow. If it is necessary to close or partially close, Havelock Infant and Junior School will ensure that the following process is followed.
The Executive Headteacher will consider the local circumstances and specific issues relating to the school. It is the Executive Headteacher’s decision whether to close the school. This decision will be made as early as possible (usually by 7am) so that the information can be added to the websites listed below and broadcast to the public.
The school will inform parents in the following ways:
Physical Education
At Havelock Schools we believe that every child should have the opportunity to take part in physical activity on a regular basis and become more physically confident and competent, and that Physical Education (P.E), experienced in a safe and challenging way, is essential to children’s wellbeing, physical development and can be essential in developing the ‘whole child’.
We hope that, through all the sporting opportunities and physical activity we offer, the children will potentially develop a love and passion for sport and continue this into their later lives.
In PE lessons, our aim is to make physical activity inclusive and enjoyable for all children. Lessons are differentiated through different challenges and support to suit the needs of all pupils. We aim to develop fundamental skills in our PE lessons and then apply these in a variety of different situations.
We offer sports festivals as well as competitive opportunities outside of lessons and aim to gain success at external competitions, as we feel it is important to give children the opportunity to compete. We regularly field teams in a variety of sports and often gain successes in local competitions.
At the Havelock Schools, the intent of teaching Physical Education is to allow children to work on the three pillars of progression;
Motor competence
Rules, strategies and tactics
Healthy participation
We will provide opportunities for children to accumulate knowledge which is defined as:
Declarative – the ‘know what’
Procedural – the ‘know how’
Both are connected and will be taught explicitly.
We aim to give children the tools and understanding required to make a positive impact in their own physical health and well-being.
PE can challenge and promote self-esteem through the development of physical confidence and problem solving. It can teach children to cope with both success and failure in competitive, individual and team based physical activities. We strive to create a culture which aims to inspire an active generation to enjoy PE, encourage each other and achieve. We provide a safe and supportive environment for children to flourish in a range of different physical activities which is essential in supporting their physical, emotional, spiritual, social and moral development.
At Havelock Schools, Physical Education is taught through the Real PE scheme and supported by the Cambridge scheme of work, both of which offer a coherently planned sequence of lessons to help teachers ensure they have progressively covered the requirements of the PE National Curriculum.
REAL PE is based on the idea that there are six aspects of learning that a child needs in order to progress: physical, cognitive, health and fitness, creative, social, and personal. REAL PE addresses all these aspects throughout the year through games, challenges, and reflection. A more formal summative assessment spreadsheet is included to help monitor the impact against National Curriculum aims.
Each unit is mapped against the progression documents to ensure that learners develop detailed knowledge and skills across the full breadth of the PE curriculum through engaging and age-appropriate curriculum content.
In KS1, the focus of the PE curriculum is on the development of the fundamental skills that will be built upon in KS2 when they are starting to be applied in specific sports and taught using the Cambridgeshire PE scheme alongside Real PE.
Lessons provide opportunities for physical actions to be modelled, practised and developed. The structured lesson plans allow time for the children to reflect, review and refine, thus supporting them to improve their skills.
Physical Activity at Havelock is taught by a combination of class teachers, PE specialists and qualified sports coaches. Children have equal opportunities to take part in a range of sports and physical activities within a supportive environment where effort as well as success is recognised. Children are encouraged to participate in exercise throughout the day during PE lessons, outdoor learning, lunchtime activities (organised by our dedicated Year 6 Sports Crew) and games specific lunchtime supervisors and a full range of before and after school clubs.
To fulfil our vision by inspiring a generation, at Havelock Schools we motivate children to participate in a variety of sports which are engaging and fun. We inspire children to instinctively utilise skills and knowledge acquired during PE lessons, encouraging them to take responsibility for their own health and fitness thus developing a love of sport leading to a happy and healthy life. Through PE lessons and physical opportunities children will develop...
Curriculum EYFS
Physical Development is vital in children, enabling them to pursue happy, healthy, active lives. We encourage the physical development of our children in Reception classes, as an integral part of their learning through sensory explorations, focussing on strength, co-ordination and positional awareness. We provide opportunities for play both indoors and outdoors, which supports our children in building core strength, stability, balance, spatial awareness, co-ordination and agility.
We relate the physical development of the children to the objectives set out in the Early Learning Goals, which underpin the curriculum planning for children aged three to five years of age. Real PE and the Cambridge PE scheme also play a part in the children’s development in PE specific lessons.
At Havelock, our well-planned PSHE curriculum is designed to equip all of our pupils for the real world and to meet all of our pupils’ needs. We want our children to have high aspirations; a strong belief in themselves and to realise that anything is possible if they put their mind to it:
What do we want for our pupils?
Our PSHE curriculum builds on prior learning by following the progressive frameworks outlined in the Jigsaw PSHE scheme of work. The scheme of work covers the following strands:
This scheme of work has been amended and adapted to ensure that it meets the needs of all of our pupils at Havelock. It has been timetabled carefully, so that it links to events such as Anti-Bullying week, World Mental Health day and Internet Safety Week. Time has been taken to ensure that all areas of the curriculum are being covered across both key stages and that they are being taught at an age-appropriate level.
Although regular time-tabled sessions will be a necessity, PSHE must also be taught incidentally and teachers must be flexible and respond to pupils’ needs and current world affairs. Our School values and Celebration Assemblies which promote our values will also support the teaching of PSHE across the school.
It is also important that PSHE is taught in other areas of the curriculum, not just as a discrete lesson. At Havelock Schools we aim to promote and reflect British Values in all that we do. We pride ourselves on a whole school approach to promoting the spiritual, moral, cultural and social development of our pupils.
Links with SMSC and Fundamental British Values
Our Cornerstones Curriculum puts SMSC and Fundamental British Values at the heart of everything our pupils do. Many of our Imaginative Learning Projects promote aspects of SMSC and FBV. For example, in Year 1 children learn about how to listen others and work cooperatively in the ‘School Days’ project. Whilst in Year 6 pupils learn about discrimination and how to challenge in ‘Maafa’ project.
The impact of our curriculum will not only be seen in pupils’ work but by looking at the type of people our pupils become. Our pupils will become confident, tolerant, independent and well-rounded individuals who are prepared for life and for their next steps. We want our children to be able to approach a range of real -life situations with confidence and to apply their skills when navigating themselves through modern life.
The impact of PSHE lessons will be measured by:
· How children apply their PSHE skills in other subjects and situations they are faced with.
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"Quality of teaching, learning and assessment is outstanding"
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In January 2024 Havelock Infant School maintained their Ofsted ‘Outstanding’ status and in June 2023 Havelock Junior School maintained their Ofsted ‘Good’ status.
Click the links below to read the reports.